
Read about the brand new Microsoft offering that combines the capabilities of Zoom, Slack & VOIP. M365 Teams Essentials is a brand new offering by Microsoft to serve the needs of organizations that are happy with their current email solution (On-premise exchange or other mail server application) but would like to leverage the communication and collaboration capabilities that Microsoft Teams provides. What does this mean?...

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EOL announcement In July 2017, Adobe announced its discontinuity of Flash Player. Adobe Flash Player will be available for use until December 31st, 2020. Though, users are recommended to remove Adobe Flash Player as the number of Flash-supported browsers and operating systems may decrease by its “End Of Life” date. So, what’s next? Advanced Alternatives Now that Adobe Flash Player is coming to an end, users may be...

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Did you know that Microsoft has an excellent phone system with a price that cannot be beat? Most businesses today use Microsoft Office suite for their business applications, Office 365 email. Let us introduce Microsoft Teams. Teams was originally designed to substitute Skype for Business. But with major focus on unified communications, Microsoft has done an excellent job of adding telephony to this platform. ...

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Do you use Sage 300 ERP for your accounting? Do you enable e-commerce sales in your organization? Selling online using an e-commerce platform such as Shopify has become essential for many businesses. If you are looking to connect your online store with your Sage 300 ERP platform, we can help. [vc_empty_space height="30px"] Online sales requires high level of customer communication and automation. Our platform...

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Do you use Sage 300 ERP for your accounting? Do you have vendors that support EDI? Not sure? It may be time to find out. Integrating with your vendor to send purchase orders, receive shipment information and invoices electronically can result in significant time savings. In our experience, Sage 300 EDI integration projects have a very high ROI and can typically recoup investment costs in...

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Why Integrate? Educational institutions today are faced with a significant challenge - software systems from different vendors such as Slate, CAMS that specializes in individual areas of student management don't not talk to each other. This leads to educational institutions resorting to manual data entry processes to keep all systems in sync with each other. [vc_empty_space height="5px"] The result of these different, disconnected systems is data pervasion, inconsistencies...

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Customizing existing reports or creating new reports for commonly used ERP Systems such as Epicor or Sage is a relatively common requirement that we handle at Klio Systems, Inc. We were recently engaged by a client that used Epicor Prophet 21 as their ERP system. [vc_empty_space height="5px"] Typically, reports for on-premise ERP systems utilize Crystal Report, a workhorse reporting system currently owned by SAP. Other  commonly used...

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Email Oversight & Supervision [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Today we will investigate the supervisory & oversight functions in Office 365. We will see how they can be applied in scenarios where email supervision is required due to regulatory compliance requirements or client needs. Some of the scenarios may include a need to meet SEC 71a-4 requirements placed on financial advisers or other professional service organizations that need to monitor email...

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[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]With the recent hurricane and following flooding that has inundated Houston, TX, one must wonder what the disaster recovery plan should be for a small to medium sized business. While it was expected that the hurricane would cause damage to areas that were directly hit, it was difficult to predict the enormous impact it had on a city as large as Houston. The event highlights...

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